
C R academie science
C&IE99 26th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Melbourne
C2, Aberdeen (United Kingdom – Royaume Uni), September 18-20,
Cairns, Australia , Australian Society of Fish Biology, 2003.
Cal Lab Magazine
Calcutta Statistical Association bulletin
California, January 24-26,
California, June 5-11
Calla news
Cambrian-Ordovician boundary
Camellia news
Camellia review
Canada, August 6-18,
Canadian entomologist
Canadian Entomologist
Canadian entomologist
Canadian entomologist , 125
Canadian entomologist , 126
Canadian geotechnical journal
Canadian geotechnical journal , 35
Canadian geotechnical journal , 36
Canadian geotechnical journal , 39
Canadian geotechnical journal , 40
Canadian geotechnical journal. 35(4)
Canadian geotechnical journal. 36(2)
Canadian geotechnical journal. 36(6)
Canadian journal of animal science
Canadian journal of biochemistry
Canadian Journal of Botany
Canadian journal of Botany
Canadian journal of botany
Canadian journal of botany
Canadian journal of botany , 74
Canadian journal of botany, 78:1169-1179
Canadian journal of chemical engineering
Canadian Journal of Chemistry
Canadian journal of chemistry
Canadian journal of development studies , 18
Canadian Journal of Earth Science
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences
Canadian journal of earth sciences
Canadian journal of earth sciences
Canadian journal of earth sciences. 33(1)
Canadian journal of exploration geophysics
Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences CONFIDENTIAL
Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences.
Canadian journal of forest research
Canadian journal of forest research
Canadian journal of forest research , 24
Canadian journal of forest research , 25
Canadian journal of forest research , 27
Canadian journal of forest research , 28
Canadian journal of forest research , 30
Canadian journal of forest research , 32
Canadian journal of genetics and cytology
Canadian journal of mathematics
Canadian journal of microbiology
Canadian journal of microbiology , 42
Canadian journal of microbiology , 47
Canadian journal of microbiology , 48
Canadian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Canadian journal of physics
Canadian journal of soil science
Canadian Journal of Soil Science
Canadian journal of soil science , 72
Canadian journal of soil science , 79
Canadian Journal of Spectroscopy
Canadian journal of zoology
Canadian journal of zoology , 77
Canadian journal of zoology , 78
Canadian journal of zoology , 79
Canadian mineralogist
Canadian Mining Journal
Canberra – Australia : abstract volume
Cancer research
Candida news
Canterbury Alpine Garden Society Bulletin
Canterbury Botanical Society Journal
Canterbury Botanical Society journal
Canterbury Engineering Journal
Canterbury environment journal
Canterbury Mountaineering Club news
Canterbury Orchid Society bulletin
CAPAA, Auckland, 1997
Cape Expedition Series
Cape Expedition series
Cape expedition series
Cape Roberts news
Cape Roberts news : coring for Antarctic tectonic and climatic history
Cape Roberts Project Workshop program and abstracts, convened at the Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, USA, 5-10 September 2000
Cape Turnagain survey
Capturing the benefits of forestry investments : putting ideas to work : workshop
Carbohydrate polymers
Carbohydrate Polymers
Carbohydrate polymers
Carbohydrate Research
Carbohydrate research
Carbohydrate research
Carbohydrate research , 250
Carbohydrate research , 256
Carbohydrate research, 331:291-306
Carbohydrates: structure, dynamics and synthesis
Carbon Dioxide Effects Research and Assessment Program ; Flux
Carbon sequestration and clean development mechanism : 2003 International Conference on Tropical Foests and Climate Change : Traders Hotel, Manila, 21-22 October 2003.
Carbon-13 NMR of flavonoids
Carbonates and evaporites
Carcase composition and appraisal of meat animals
Cardiovascular and interventional radiology
Caribbean journal of science
Caries research
Carnegie Institution of Washington
Carnegie Institution of Washington year book
Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book 71,-1972 1972
Carnegie Institution of Washington year book 71,-1972 1972
Carnivore genetics newsletter
Carter Observatory astronomical handbook for 1973
Case histories of oil and gas fields in Asia and the Far East
Case studies in ecotourism
Case studies of coastal progradation in New Zealand
Case studies of coastal progradation in New Zealand during the
Castanea , 62
Castle Point survey
Cataclysmic variables and related objects
Catalogue of rivers for Southeast Asia and the Pacific / K. Takeuchi, A.W. Jayawardena, Y. Takahashi.
Catalogue of rivers for Southeast Asia and the Pacific / edited by A.W. Jayawardena, K. Takeuchi, B. Machbub.
Catalogue of rivers for Southeast Asia and the Pacific / edited by Richard Ibbitt … [et al].
Catalogue of rivers for southeast Asia and the Pacific : Volume V
Catalysis Communications
Catalyst deactivation 1987
Catastrophic landslides : effects, occurrence, and mechanisms
Catch ’80
Catch ’81
Catch ’82
Catch ’83
Catch ’84
Catch ’85
Catch `83
Catchment connections , 1
Catchment connections , 2
Catchment connections , 3
Catchment connections. 3
Catchment experiments in fluvial geomorphology
Catena , 19
Catena , 21
Catena , 26
Cathodoluminescence in geosciences : new insights from CL in combination with other techniques
Catlins Survey, MacLennan, May 9-17, 1961
Caught in the headlights : New Zealanders’ reflections on possums, control options and genetic engineering
Cawthron Institute agricultural bulletin
Cawthron Institute bulletin
CCAMLR science
CCAMLR science .
CCAMLR Science.
CCEM-WGKC September 00/14, 2000, Sevres, France
CCOP/SOPAC 11th Session Conference Tour Notes
CDNZ : communicable disease New Zealand
CEA : Chemical engineering in Australia
Celebrating women in science : proceedings of the Women’s Suffrage Centennial Science Conference : Wellington, New Zealand : 2-4 September 1993.
Cell and tissue research
Cell biology international reports
Cell research
Cellular and molecular life sciences
Cellular immunology
Cement and Concrete Research
Cement and Concrete research
Cement and concrete research
Cement Technology
Cements research progress
Cements research progress
Cenozoic geology of the Lower Nevis Basin with special
Central leader
Central North Island volcanism
Central Otage horticultural review
Ceramics international
Cereal chemistry
Cereal Chemistry
Cereal news
Cereal research communication
Cereal rusts bulletin
Cereal seed treatment
Cereals ’95 : proceedings of the 45th Australian Cereal Chemistry Conference held in Adelaide, South Australia 10-14 September
Challenges & changes : 17th International Symposium on the Forensic Sciences, 28 March – 2 April 2004 : handbook and programme
Challenges in the completion of civil engineering projects in a global setting : lessons learned and successes accomplished : 1st International Engineering and Construction Symposium
Changes in sward composition and productivity
Changing environmental awareness : societal concerns and scientific responses : SETAC 22nd annual meeting, 11-15 November 2001, Baltimore, Maryland.s
Changing times. Proceedings of the New Zealand Association of Soil and Water Conservation Annual Conference, Nelson, 17-19 May 1989
Chaos, Solitons, and Fractals
Chapman Conference on Hydrogeochemical Responses of Forested
Chapman Conference on the Formation of Sedimentary Strata on Continental Margins, Ponce Hilton Hotel, Ponce, Puerto Rico, June 17-19, 2001
Chapman Conference on Volcanism and the Earth’s Atmosphere, Thera, Greece, June 17-21, 2002 : abstracts
Characterization of fractured reservoirs : 2004 SEG/EAGE Research Workshop, August 1-5, 2004, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Chartered accountants journal , December
Chartered accounting journal of New Zealand , 82(7)
Chartered mechanical engineer
Chem NZ
Chem NZ, 57:7-16
Chem NZ. 71
Chemeca ’97
Chemeca 1981
Chemeca ’90: processing Pacific resources: 18th Australasian Chemical Engineering conference
Chemeca ’95 : 23rd Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference, Volume 3, First Biochemeca Workshop and Food and Bioprocessing : Winning in
Chemeca ’96 : 24th Australian and New Zealand Chemical Engineering Conference : proceedings
CHEMECA ’96 : 24th Australian and New Zealand Chemical Engineering Conference : proceedings : Sydney, September 30 – October 2,
CHEMECA ’96 : 24th Australian and New Zealand Chemical Engineering Conference
CHEMECA ’96 : 24th Australian and New Zealand Chemical Engineering Conference : proceedings : Sydney, September 30 – October 2, 1996
Chemeca ’96 : 24th Australian and New Zealand Chemical Engineering Conference : proceedings. Sydney, September 30 – October 2, 1996. Volume 4, Environmental engineering biotechnology education
Chemeca ’97
CHEMECA ’98, Port Douglas, Australia, 1998
CHEMECA 2000, 28th Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference Proceedings, Perth, Australia
Chemeca 81
CHEMECA 90 : the Eighteenth Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference “Processing Pacific Resources” : Aotea Centre and Hyatt Kingsgate
Chemeca 97
Chemeca 99 : 27th Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference
Chemeca 99 : 27th Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference
Chemeca 99 : the 27th Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference
CHEMECA proceedings 1995
Chemeca’88, (Sydney, Australia
Chemeca’89 (Queensland, Australia
Chemical Communications
Chemical communications
Chemical Communications
Chemical communications
Chemical communications (1995- )
Chemical engineer
Chemical Engineering Journal
Chemical engineering journal (submitted)
Chemical engineering research and design : transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers
Chemical engineering science
Chemical engineering science
Chemical engineering science.
Chemical Geology
Chemical geology
Chemical geology (Isotope geoscience section)
Chemical geology Feb 10
Chemical geology Jan 5
Chemical geology May 15
Chemical geology. 148(1/2)
Chemical geology. 150(3/4)
Chemical geology. 151(1/4)
Chemical geology. 155(3/4)
Chemical geology. 156
Chemical geology. 163(1/4)
Chemical geology. 164(3/4)
Chemical news
Chemical Physics
Chemical physics letters
Chemical physics letters
Chemical processes in New Zealand
Chemical processes in New Zealand
Chemical Reaction Engineering Workshop
Chemical reviews
Chemical senses, 28:433-446
Chemical Society reviews
Chemical speciation and bioavailability
Chemicals in the 21st century : Fourth Princess Chulabhorn International Science Congress, 28 November – 2 December 1999, Bangkok, Thailand : Program – abstracts.
Chemicals in the 21st century : Fourth Princess Chulabhorn International Science Congress, 28 Novenber – 2 December 1999, Bangkok, Thailand : Program – abstracts.
Chemico-Biological Interactions
Chemie der Erde
Chemie der erde
Chemie, Mikrobiologie, Technologie der Lebensmittel
Chemist Analyst
Chemistry & biology
Chemistry & industry
Chemistry & Industry (London)
Chemistry & industry (London)
Chemistry & Industry N
Chemistry and geochemistry of solutions at high temperatures
Chemistry and Industry
Chemistry and industry
Chemistry and Industry in New Zealand
Chemistry and industry in New Zealand
Chemistry and Industry of Forest Products
Chemistry and industry of forest products
Chemistry and Physics of carbon
Chemistry and physics of lipids
Chemistry and significance of condensed tannins
Chemistry Division Materials seminar
Chemistry Division materials seminar
Chemistry in a young country
Chemistry in Australia
Chemistry in New Zealand
Chemistry in New Zealand
Chemistry in the development of New Zealand industry
Chemistry international
Chemistry News
Chemistry of the earth’s crust
Chemosense, 5(3):26-27
Chemosense, 5(3):9
Chemosense, 5(3):9-10
Chemosphere , 39
Chemosphere – global change science
Chemosphere : global change science
Chikyu monthly
Chilling and freezing of new fish products = Refrigeration et congelation des nouveaux produits a base de poissons : meeting of Commission
Chinese journal of geochemistry
Chinese journal of geochemistry
Chinese journal of geophysics
Chinetsu. 34(2:147)
Chinetsu. 34(5:150)
Chinetsu. 35(1:151)
Chinetsu. 35(2:152)
Chishitsu news. 516
Christchurch mail
Christchurch, December 1997
Christchurch, New Zealand, 1-4 July 1996
Chromosome research
Chronic cassava toxicity
Chronica horticulturae
Chronique de la recherche miniere
Chronostratigraphic subdivision of the Holocene
Church & Community
Cicindela , 33
Circum-Pacific energy and mineral resources
Circum-Pacific orogenic belts and evolution of the Pacific
Circum-Pacific plutonic terranes
Circum-Pacific Terrane Conference Proceedings
Cities as sustainable ecosystems : international workshop, April 14-16 2002, Murdoch University. Session 8. Food production.
Cities on Volcanoes 2, Auckland, New Zealand, 12th – 16th February 2001 : abstracts
Cities on Volcanoes 3, Hilo, Hawaii, July 14-18, 2003 : abstract volume
Cities on volcanoes : international meeting, Rome and Naples (Italy), June 28 to July 4, 1998 : program and abstracts
Citrus Breeding Workshop
City magazine
Civil Defence Seminar on evacuation, escape and rescue problems
Civil Engineering (London)
Classical and quantum gravity
Classification of Peat and Peatlands
Clay Minerals
Clay minerals
Clay minerals , 30
Clay minerals , 32
Clay minerals , 33
Clay minerals , 34
Clay minerals , 37
Clay Minerals Society news
Clay minerals. 33(2)
Clay research
Clay Science
Clay science
Clay science , 9
Clays and Clay Minerals
Clays and clay minerals
Clays and Clay Minerals
Clays and clay minerals , 40
Clays and clay minerals , 45
Clays and clay minerals. 47(1)
Clays and clay minerals. 48(1)
Clays, controlling the environment : proceedings of the 10th International Clay Conference, Adelaide, Australia, July 18 to 23, 1993
Clays, controlling the environment : proceedings of the 10th International Clay Conference, Adelaide, Australia, July 18-23, 1993
Clean Air
Clean air
Clean air
Click, wheeze & chuckle , 1
Climate and biota of the Early Paleogene : international meeting, July 3-8, 2001, Northwest College, Powell, Wyoming, USA : abstract volume
Climate Change
Climate change
Climate change : IPPC ’95 and beyond
Climate change in the South Pacific : impacts and responses in Australia, New Zealand, and small island states / edited by A Gillespie
Climate change management , 9
Climate change: developing southern hemisphere perspectives / T. W. Giambelluca and A. Henderson-Sellers (eds.). New York : Wiley, 1996.
Climate dynamics
Climate dynamics , 6
Climate variability, agriculture and forestry : report of the CAgM-IX Working Group on the Study of Climatic Effects on Agriculture
Climate-vegetation interactions
Climates of the southern continents
Climatic change
Climatic change
Climatic change : impacts on New Zealand : implications for the environment, economy and society
Climatic change : impacts on New Zealand : implications for the environment, economy, and society
Clinica Chimica Acta
Clinica chimica acta
Clinical and experimental pharmacology and physiology
Clinical Chemistry
Clinical chemistry
Clinical endocrinology
Clinical infectious diseases
Clinical nuclear medicine
Clinical radiology
Clusterworld (online journal )
CMI/AAB descriptions of plant viruses
Coal in New Zealand
Coal Research Conference
Coal Research Conference 15-17 October, The Academy, 1986
Coal Research Conference, 2-4 November, 1987
Coal Research Conference, Oct 1985
Coal research in New Zealand workshop
Coal research newsletter
Coal resources
Coast mining
Coast, Queensland, Australia
Coastal and environmental geoscience studies of the Southwest Pacific Islands
Coastal and estuarine studies
Coastal chart series 1
Coastal Development
Coastal development
Coastal development, the proceedings of a symposium held in
Coastal engineering
Coastal engineering – climate for change : proceedings of 10th Australasian Conference on Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Auckland, NZ, 2-6
Coastal engineering – climate for change : Proceedings of the 10th Australasian Conference on Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Auckland, New
Coastal engineering 2000 : conference proceedings : July 16-21, 2000, Sydney, Australia
Coastal news, ISSN 1172-6938
Coastal processes
Coastal sediments ’87
Coastal sediments ’99 :Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Coastal Engineering and Science of Coastal Sediment
Coastal tectonics
Coastal zone management
Coastal Zone Management Seminar, March 1980
Coasts & ports ’99 : Challenges and directions for the new century : Proceedings of the 14th Australasian Coastal and Ocean
Coasts & ports Australasian Conference 2003 : 9-12 September 2003, Hyatt Regency, Auckland, New Zealand
Code of practise for industrial identification by colour,
Coke and Gas
Cold chains in economic perspective
Cold regions science and technology
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Cold regions science and technology
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology
Coleopterists bulletin
Coleopterists bulletin , 51
Coleopterists bulletin , 54
Coleopterists bulletin , 55
Coleopterists bulletin , 56
Coleopterists bulletin , 57
Collected data reports on August solar-terrestrial events 1973
Collection of Czechoslovak chemical communications
Collection of Czechoslovak chemical communications
College of Education, Epsom, Auckland, 23-26 August
College, Cambridge, 23-28 August
College, December 11-12,
Colloids and surfaces
Colloids and surfaces
Colloque du Groupe Franáais des Argiles CRMD-CNRS-UniversitÇ d’OrlÇans, OrlÇans, le 22 mars 2002
Colloques Internationaux Centre Nationale de la Recherche
Colloques internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche
Coloured sheep and their products
Combined Australasian Coastal Engineering and Ports Conference, Christchurch, SOPU
Combined Australasian Coastal Engineering and Ports Conference, Christchurch, 1997
Combined Australasian Coastal Engineering and Ports Conference, Christchurch, 1997
Combined conference abstracts / Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Australian and New Zealand Society for Cell & Developmental Biology and Australian Society of Plant Physiologists
Combined conference abstracts / Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Australian Society of Plant Physiologists
Combined conference abstracts / Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Australian Society of Plant Physiologists, 1996:POS-078-03
Combined conference abstracts / Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Australian Society of Plant Physiologists, 1996:POS-080-02
Combined conference abstracts / Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Australian Society of Plant Physiologists, 1996:POS-092-02
Combined conference abstracts / Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Australian Society of Plant Physiologists, 1996:POS-159-03
Combined conference abstracts / Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Australian Society of Plant Physiologists, 1996:SYM-09-06
Combined conference abstracts / Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Australian Society of Plant Physiologists & New Zealand Society of Plant Physiologists, 1998:Abstract Pos-Mon-46
Combined conference abstracts / Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Australian Society of Plant Physiologists & New Zealand Society of Plant Physiologists, 1998:Abstract Pos-Tue-316
Combined conference abstracts / Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Australian Society of Plant Physiologists & New Zealand Society of Plant Physiologists, 1998:Abstract Pos-Tues-188
Combined conference abstracts / Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Australian Society of Plant Physiologists & New Zealand Society of Plant Physiologists, 1998:Abstract Pos-Tues-262
Combined conference abstracts / Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Australian Society of Plant Physiologists & New Zealand Society of Plant Physiologists, 1998:Abstract Pos-Tues-281
Combined conference abstracts / Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Australian Society of Plant Physiologists & New Zealand Society of Plant Physiologists, 1998:Abstract Pos-Tues-328
Combined conference abstracts / Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Australian Society of Plant Physiologists & New Zealand Society of Plant Physiologists, 1998:Abstract Pos-Wed-144
Combined conference abstracts / Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Australian Society of Plant Physiologists & New Zealand Society of Plant Physiologists, 1998:Abstract Pos-Wed-189
Combined conference abstracts / Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Australian Society of Plant Physiologists & New Zealand Society of Plant Physiologists, 1998:Abstract Pos-Wed-282
Combined conference abstracts / Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Australian Society of Plant Physiologists & New Zealand Society of Plant Physiologists, 1998:Abstract Pos-Wed-285
Combined conference abstracts / Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Australian Society of Plant Physiologists & New Zealand Society of Plant Physiologists, 1998:Abstract Pos-Wed-296
Combined conference abstracts / Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Australian Society of Plant Physiologists & New Zealand Society of Plant Physiologists, 1998:Abstract Pos-Wed-311
Combined conference abstracts / Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Australian Society of Plant Physiologists & New Zealand Society of Plant Physiologists, 1998:Abstract Pos-Wed-314
Combined conference abstracts / Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Australian Society of Plant Physiologists & New Zealand Society of Plant Physiologists, 1998:Abstract Pos-Wed-45
Combined conference abstracts / Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Australian Society of Plant Physiologists & New Zealand Society of Plant Physiologists, 1998:Abstract Pos-Wed-99
Combined conference abstracts / ComBio 2001, 2001:Pos-1-059
Combined conference abstracts / ComBio 2001, 2001:Pos-1-110
Combined conference abstracts / ComBio 2001, 2001:Pos-1-111
Combined conference abstracts / ComBio 2001, 2001:Pos-1-119
Combined conference abstracts / ComBio 2001, 2001:Pos-1-121
Combined conference abstracts / ComBio 2001, 2001:Pos-1-160
Combined conference abstracts / ComBio 2001, 2001:Pos-1-161
Combined conference abstracts / ComBio 2001, 2001:Pos-2-078
Combined conference abstracts / ComBio 2001, 2001:Pos-2-110
Combined conference abstracts / ComBio 2001, 2001:Pos-2-114
Combined conference abstracts / ComBio 2001, 2001:Pos-2-135
Combined conference abstracts / ComBio 2001, 2001:Sym-46-01
Combined conference abstracts / ComBio 2001, 2001:Sym-49-06
Combined conference abstracts / ComBio 2002, 2002:POS-MON-093
Combined conference abstracts / ComBio 2002, 2002:POS-TUE-119
Combined conference abstracts / ComBio 2002, 2002:POS-WED- 094
Combined conference abstracts / ComBio 2002, 2002:POS-WED-054
Combined conference abstracts / ComBio 2002, 2002:POS-WED-055
Combined conference abstracts / ComBio 2002, 2002:POS-WED-090
Combined conference abstracts / ComBio 2002, 2002:POS-WED-093
Combined conference abstracts / ComBio 2002, 2002:SYM-61-03
Combined conference abstracts / Combio 2003, 2003:104
Combined conference abstracts / Combio 2003, 2003:105
Combined conference abstracts / Combio 2003, 2003:105
Combined conference abstracts / Combio 2003, 2003:110
Combined conference abstracts / Combio 2003, 2003:140
Combined conference abstracts / Combio 2003, 2003:141
Combined conference abstracts / Combio 2003, 2003:142
Combined conference abstracts / Combio 2003, 2003:149
Combined conference abstracts / Combio 2003, 2003:30
Combined conference abstracts / Combio 2003, 2003:36
Combined conference abstracts / Combio 2003, 2003:36
Combined conference abstracts / Combio 2003, 2003:42
Combined meeting
Combined proceedings
Combined proceedings / International Plant Propagators Society Annual Meetings ; 39
Combined proceedings / International Plant Propagators Society ; 42
Combined Proceedings / International Plant Propagators’
Combined proceedings / International Plant Propagators’ Society
Combined proceedings / International Plant Propagators’ Society
Combined proceedings / International Plant Propagators’ Society ; 42
Combined proceedings / International Plant Propagators’ Society conference, 48:43-51
Combined proceedings / International Plant Propagators’ Society, 45:389-392
Combined Proceedings International Plant Propagators’ Society
Combined proceedings of the International Plant Propagators
Combined proceedings of the International Plant Propagators’
Combio 2000, Wellington 11-14 December 2000
Combio 2000, Wellington 11-14 December 2000, the Combined Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Societies of Plant Physiologists and Societies for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Combio Conference 2000, the Combined Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Societies of Plant Physiologists and Societies for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Wellington, New Zealand
Combio Conference 2000, Wellington New Zealand, The Combined Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Societies of Plant Physiologists and Societies for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Combio, Wellington 11-14 December 2000
Combustion and flame
Combustion Theory and Modelling
Comite consultatif de thermometrie : 18e session (7-9 septembre) : documents de travail presentes a la 18e session
Comments on a paper by T
Commercial application of electrical stimulation
Commercial fishing
Commercial Fishing CONFIDENTIAL
Commercial Grower
Commercial grower , 52
Commercial grower, 55(10):51
Commercial grower, 55(11):55-56
Commercial grower, 55(7):56,58
Commercial grower, 55(9):28-29
Commercial grower, 55(9):51-52
Commercial horticulture
Commercial horticulture , June
Commercial horticulture , November
Commercial horticulture , September
Commercial horticulture, July:28-29
Commercial horticulture, June:14-15
Commission for the Environment Newsletter
Commission for the Environment newsletter
Committee for International Hydrological Programme, [1997]
Common strategies of anadromous and catadromous fishes : proceedings of an international symposium held in Boston,
Commonwealth Mining and Metallurgical Congress
Commonwealth phytopathological news
Commonwealth Science Council Asia/Pacific Metrology Programme
Communicable disease New Zealand
Communication and linkages for aquatic resource protection : 3rd South Pacific Conference on Stormwater and Aquatic Resource Protection, combined with 10th Conference of the Australasian Chapter of the International Erosion Control Association : 14-16 May 2003, Carlton Hotel, Auckland : proceedings.
Communication in soil science and plant analysis
Communication in statistics
Communications in numerical methods in engineering
Communications in soil science and plant analysis
Communications in soil science and plant analysis , 25
Communications in soil science and plant analysis , 26
Communications in soil science and plant analysis , 26(9&10)
Communications in soil science and plant analysis , 27
Communications in soil science and plant analysis , 31
Communications in soil science and plant analysis , 34
Communications in soil science and plant analysis, 30:1615-1624
Communications in soil science and plant analysis, 31:413-421
Communications in statistics
Communications in statistics
Communications in statistics : theory and methods
Communications in statistics, part A
Communications in statistics, simulation and computation
Communications of the American Ceramic Society
Communications of the Geological Survey of South-West
Communities of marine algae in Subantarctic and Antarctic
Community dentistry and oral epidemiology
Community ecology , 1
Community ecology , 5
Community hazards awareness and hazards mitigation learning workshop
Community health studies
Compact fruit tree
Compact fruit tree
Compact fruit tree, 32(4):119-122
Compact fruit tree, 33(3):66-74
Compact fruit tree, 33(3):82-88
Compact news
Comparative biochemistry and physiology
Comparative biochemistry and physiology
Comparative biochemistry and physiology (A)
Comparative biochemistry and physiology C – Toxicology and pharmacology , 134
Comparative biochemistry and physiology Part B, 128:767-779
Comparative biochemistry and physiology, B
Comparative biochemistry and physiology.
Comparative biochemistry and physiology. A, Comparative physiology
Compendium of stone fruit diseases
Competition and succession in pastures
Compositae newsletter , 40
Composite Association of New Zealand Journal
Composites Association of New Zealand
Composition isotopique du carbone dans les gaz d’un magma
Compost science and utilization, 8:19-23
Comprehensive biochemistry and physiology
Comprehensive heterocyclic chemistry
Comprehensive stormwater & aquatic ecosystem management : Conference papers, First South Pacific Conference, 22-26 February 1999,
Comprehensive stormwater & aquatic ecosystem management : conference papers. Volume 2
Comprehensive stormwater and aquatic ecosystem management : conference papers : first South Pacific conference, 22-26 February 1999, Sheraton Auckland Hotel & Towers Auckland, New Zealand : volume two
Compte rendu des seances de la Societe de Biogeographie
Compte rendu du Ve Symposium International sur la Pollinisation
Compte rendu sommaire des seances
Comptes rendus
Comptes Rendus Academic des Sciences
Comptes rendus de l”Academie des sciences. Serie II, Sciences de la terre et des planetes. 330
Comptes rendus de l’Academie des Sciences
Comptes rendus de l’Academie des sciences
Comptes rendus de l’Academie des sciences
Comptes rendus de l’Academie des Sciences : sciences de la terre et des planätes / Earth and planetary sciences, 328:759-764
Comptes rendus de l’Academie des Sciences, Paris, 2A
Comptes rendus des seances de l’Academie d’agriculture de France
Comptes rendus, academie des sciences, Paris
Comptes-rendus 1er Congres international de paleoecology
Computational statistics & data analysis
Computational statistics quarterly
Computer graphics and image processing
Computer vision – ECCV ’92 : Second European Conferencee on Computer Vision, Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy, May 19-22, :
Computer vision, graphics and image processing
Computers & geosciences
Computers & geosciences. 24(8)
Computers & geosciences. 25(1)
Computers & geosciences. 25(7)
Computers and electronics in agriculture
Computers and electronics in agriculture , 21
Computers and electronics in agriculture, 31:125-136
Computers and electronics in agriculture, 32:181-194
Computers and geoscience
Computers and geosciences
Computers and geosciences , 21
Computers in corrosion control – knowledge based system : papers presented at the NACE International Corrosion/94 symposium
Computers, automation and control
Computerworld New Zealand
Concepts and Modelling in Geomorphology: International Perspectives, Eds. I. S. Evans, R. Dikau, E. Tokunaga, H. Ohmori and M.
Concrete alkali-aggregate reactions
Condor , 103
Condor , 104
Condor , 105
Cone, in Plant Improvement and Utilization of Forage Resources in Tropical
Conference / Australian and New Zealand Society for Magnetic Resonance, 2:87
Conference / Australian Avocado Growers’ Federation and NZ Avocado Growers Association
Conference / Meteorological Society of New Zealand, 2002:50
Conference / New Zealand Biotechnology Association and BIOTENZ, 1999:1pp
Conference / New Zealand Institute of Chemistry, 1999:N4
Conference / New Zealand Institute of Chemistry, 1999:N6
Conference / New Zealand Institute of Chemistry, 1999:P08
Conference / New Zealand Institute of Chemistry, 1999:PO15
Conference / New Zealand Institute of Chemistry, 1999:PO16
Conference / New Zealand Institute of Chemistry, 1999:SP15
Conference / New Zealand Institute of Chemistry, 1999:SP23
Conference : 20-23 August, Victoria University of Wellington :
Conference abstacts of the annual meeting / Genetics Society of Australia, 49th:114
Conference abstracts : 46th Annual Meeting of the Genetics Society of Australia at Griffith University, Wednesday 14 July to friday 16 July 1999
Conference abstracts of the annual meeting / Genetics Society of Australia, 49th:115
Conference abstracts of the annual meeting / Genetics Society of Australia, 49th:97
Conference book / Biodiversity now, 1997:105
Conference book / Biodiversity now, 1997:122
Conference book / Biodiversity now, 1997:15
Conference book / Biodiversity now, 1997:28
Conference book / Biodiversity now, 1997:29
Conference book / Biodiversity now, 1997:77
Conference book / joint annual conference of the New Zealand Ecological Society, Entomological Society of New Zealand and SYSTANZ
Conference book, biodiversity now, 29 June to 3 July ’97 : the 1997 joint annual conference of the New Zealand Ecological Society, The Entomological Society of New Zealand, SYSTANZ
Conference Digest
Conference digest : Conference on precision electromagnetic measurements, Braunschweig, Germany, 17-20 June
Conference digest : Conference on precision electromagnetic measurements, Braunschweig, Germany, 17-20 June 1996
Conference Digest, Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements
Conference handbook
Conference handbook / Association for Women in the Sciences, 4th:20
Conference handbook / Association for Women in the Sciences, 4th:23
Conference handbook / Australasian Plant Pathology Society biennial conference, 13th:111
Conference handbook / Australasian Plant Pathology Society biennial conference, 13th:113
Conference handbook / Australasian Plant Pathology Society biennial conference, 13th:134
Conference handbook / Australasian Plant Pathology Society biennial conference, 13th:275
Conference handbook / Australasian Plant Pathology Society biennial conference, 13th:277
Conference handbook / Australasian Plant Pathology Society biennial conference, 13th:302
Conference handbook / Australasian Plant Pathology Society biennial conference, 13th:336
Conference handbook / Australasian Plant Pathology Society biennial conference, 13th:339
Conference handbook / Australasian Plant Pathology Society biennial conference, 13th:359
Conference handbook / Australasian Plant Pathology Society biennial conference, 13th:371
Conference handbook / Australasian Plant Pathology Society biennial conference, 13th:376
Conference handbook / Australasian Plant Pathology Society biennial conference, 13th:85
Conference handbook / Australasian postharvest horticulture conference, 1995:52
Conference handbook / Australasian postharvest horticulture conference, 1995:53
Conference handbook / Australian & New Zealand avocado growers conference, 2001:
Conference handbook / Biennial conference of the Australasian Plant Pathology Society, 12th:259
Conference handbook / Biennial conference of the Australasian Plant Pathology Society, 12th:353
Conference handbook / Creating wealth through research, 1999:49-51
Conference handbook / Great Science! Great Food!
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:143
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:144
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:150
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:152
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:154
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:157
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:158
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:159
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:176
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:179
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:182
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:187
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:190
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:205
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:213
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:214
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:216
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:221
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:223
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:25
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:29
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:31
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:32
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:34
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:39
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:43
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:44
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:46
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:53
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:54
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:59
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:61
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:71
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:76
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:78
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:82
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:83
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:84
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:89
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:96
Conference handbook / PH’96 International postharvest science conference, 1996:97
Conference handbook ; 10
Conference held in Palmerston North, February 10-14,
Conference of European Association of Exploration Geophysicists,
Conference on Adjusting toward, held at James Cook Centra Hotel, Wellington 23-25 September 1993
Conference on agricultural and forest meteorology / American Meteorological Society, 23rd:131-135
Conference on applications of membrane technologies : Auckland, 23-25 October,
Conference on applications of membrane technologies : Auckland, 23-25 October, 1996
Conference on Chemistry of High Tc Superconductors (Chem-HTSC-IV), Technical University of Japan, Tokyo
Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena : October 20-23,, San Francisco, California, USA
Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena : October 20-23, 1996, San Francisco, California, USA
Conference on Engineering in Agriculture and Food Processing, Queensland, Australia
Conference on Fouling, Cleaning and Disinfection in Food Processing, Jesus College, Cambridge, 2002
Conference on Inorganic Chemistry ’99, Victoria University of Wellington, 1999
Conference on materials handling in cold stores
Conference on Physics of the Ionosphere, London, 1954
Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements
Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements digest : 27 June – 1 July 1994 Boulder, Colorado, USA
Conference on Stable Isotopes and Fluid Processes in
Conference on the New Zealand Cretaceous held at University of
Conference on The New Zealand Cretaceous Tour Notes
Conference on the Upgrading of Meatworks Products
Conference on Transputers and Parallel Processors
Conference on Volcanological and Geothermal Studies
Conference on Volcanological and Geothermal Studies Tour Notes
Conference paper and poster abstracts : Molecules to microbes II : the New Zealand Society for Microbiology Inc and the New Zealand
Conference papers : 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Non Destructive Testing : Blenheim, New Zealand, 5-9 March
Conference papers and tour guide, New Zealand Society of Soil Science, Conference, November 12-15
Conference papers, The Institute of Quarrying, New Zealand Branch and Aggregate & Quarry Association of New Zealand, 30th annual combined conference to be held at the Plaza International Hotel, Wellington, July 15-17, 1998
Conference proceedings
Conference Proceedings
Conference proceedings / Association for Women in the Sciences, 4th:118-123
Conference proceedings / Association for Women in the Sciences, 4th:91-95
Conference proceedings / New Zealand conference on microscopy, 21st:L15
Conference proceedings / New Zealand Olive Association, 2000:[17p.]
Conference proceedings / New Zealand Olive Association, 2000:[19p.]
Conference proceedings / New Zealand Olive Association, 2000:[2 p.]
Conference proceedings / New Zealand Olive Association, 2000:[4 p.]
Conference proceedings / New Zealand sports turf conference and trade show, 2001:110-112
Conference proceedings / WPSA Asian Pacific Federation conference and Australian poultry
Conference proceedings : 25th jubilee conference, Lakeland Motor Inn, Taupo, New Zealand, 28-30 August 1996
Conference proceedings : fifth Workshop Italian Research on Antarctic Atmosphere … Porano, 19-21 October, 1992
Conference proceedings : NZIPIM Rural Valuers Conference, 24-26th June 2004 and Primary Sector Accountants of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, 25th June 2004
Conference proceedings : second joint conference, Institute of Australian Geographers and New Zealand Geographical Society, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Tasmania, 1997
Conference proceedings ; MRS (Materials Research Society) Fall meeting 2001
Conference proceedings [CD-ROM] / Annual conference of the Waste Management Institute of
Conference proceedings [CD-ROM] / Annual conference of the Waste Management Institute of New Zealand, 14th:[9p.]
Conference proceedings [CD-ROM] / Australian wine industry technical conference,
Conference proceedings [CD-ROM] / Australian wine industry technical conference, 11th:80-83
Conference proceedings for the 6th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage 12-18 July 2003, Cairns, Queensland, Australia
Conference Proceedings of Advanced Research Workshop on Semiconductor Nanostructures, 2000, Queenstown, New Zealand; Japanese journal of applied physics. Part 1
Conference proceedings of the Cereal Science Conference, 10-12
Conference proceedings on Low Temperature Physics Metal Oxide Superconductors 2002
Conference proceedings, National Conference Hobart, May, Australian Berry Fruit Growers Federation
Conference program / Australian near infrared spectroscopy conference, 9th:14
Conference program and abstracts
Conference program and abstracts of the biennial conference / Australasian Plant Pathology Society, 9th:19
Conference programme & abstracts, 9th biennial conference, Australasian Plant Pathology Society
Conference programme and abstracts / Asia-Pacific conference on chemical ecology, 2nd:44
Conference programme and abstracts / Asia-Pacific conference on chemical ecology, 2nd:50
Conference Silica 2001, Mulhouse, France
Conference technical papers : New Zealand National Society for Earthquake Engineering technical conference and AGM, Wairakei Hotel, Taupo,
Conference, Perth, Western Australia, 14-16 April, 1999
Conferencias : Peru : Tercer Simposium Internacional del Oro, Mayo 5-8 1998, Lima, Peru = Conferences : Peru : Third International Gold Symposium, May 5-8 1998, Lima, Peru
Congres International de Bryologie
Congres international de macanique des roches : comptes rendus = International Congress on Rock Mechanics : proceedings
Congreso internacional de suelos volcanicos comunicaciones
Congreso Internacional de Suelos Volcanicos, Comunicaciones
Congress in France 1984
Congress of the Australian Society for Limnology, Marcoola, Sunshine Coast,
Congress of the European Society of Photobiology, 1999, Granada, Spain
Congress proceedings / International congress of meat science and technology, 46th:144-145
Congress proceedings / International congress of meat science and technology, 46th:146-147
Congress proceedings / International congress of meat science and technology, 46th:366-367
Congress proceedings / International congress of meat science and technology, 46th:442-443
Connective tissue research
ConScience : conservation science newsletter , 19
ConScience : conservation science newsletter , 40&41
ConScience : conservation science newsletter , 42
ConScience : conservation science newsletter , 43
ConScience : conservation science newsletter , 45
Conservation adivsory science notes
Conservation advisory science notes ;322
Conservation and sustainable use of New Zealand flora : on non-conservation land : proceedings of a workshop held at Flock Hill, Canterbury 6/7 March 2001
Conservation biology
Conservation Biology
Conservation biology
Conservation biology , 16
Conservation biology , 17
Conservation criteria in the high country : workshop, Christchurch, 3 June 1992.
Conservation for the twenty-first century
Conservation genetics , 4
Conservation in production environments : managing the matrix
Conservation of island birds
Conservation of plant genetic resources through in vitro methods : proceedings of the MNCPGR/CSC International Workshop on Tissue
Conservation of plant species and habitats
Conservation quorum , 21
Conservation quorum , 26
Conservation science newsletter
Conservation science newsletter, (25):9-10
Conservation science newsletter, (33):13-14
Conservation through sustainable use of wildlife
Conservation tillage seminar
Conserving resources
Consumer home & garden
Consumer news
Contact (Wellington)
Contaminants and ecological risk assessment workshop, 5-7 April 2004, Adelaide, South Australia : abstracts
Contaminated site remediation : challenges posed by urban and industrial contaminants : proceedings of the 1999 conference, 21-25 March 1999, Fremantle, Western Australia
Contaminated site remediation : from source zones to ecosystems : proceedings of the 2000 Contaminated Remediation Conference, Melbourne, Victoria, 4-8 December 2000 : Vol.1.
Contemporary microbial ecology
Contemporary physics
Contentious issues in Tasmanian geology : a symposium presented by the Geological Society of Australia, Tasmania Division : Hobart, 3-4
Continental drift
Continental magmatism : abstracts : International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior General Assembly, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, June 25-July 1, 1989
Continental Margins Conference
Continental shelf research
Continental shelf research
Continental Shelf Research CONFIDENTIAL
Continental shelf research.
Continental tectonics
Continuing education in New Zealand
Contraception in wildlife management
Contribuciones cientificas Instituto Antartico Argentino
Contributed papers / International biometric conference, 28:37
Contribution of Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Contribution series / American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists. 33
Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal
Contributions from the University of Michigan Herbarium
Contributions of mineralogy and petrology
Contributions to atmospheric physics, 71:171-187
Contributions to geology and palaeontology of Gondwana : in honour of Helmut Wopfner
Contributions to marine microbiology
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology
Contributions to mineralogy and petrology
Contributions to mineralogy and petrology. 130(3-4)
Contributions to mineralogy and petrology. 136(1-2)
Contributions to mineralogy and petrology. 139(2)
Contributions to mineralogy and petrology. 65
Contributions to minerology and petrology
Control ’81, Towards shared prosperity and leisure
Control ’81, towards shared prosperity and leisure
Control and instrumentation
Control National Science Strategy Committee, 27-28 March, Landcare
Control of mammal pests
Control of Particulate Processes VI, Fraser Island, Queensland
Control of Particulate Processes VI, United Engineering Foundation Incorporated
Controlled release technology in New Zealand : selected proceedings from a Rubitech sponsored workshop, Flockhouse Conference Centre,
Controlling carp: exploring the options for Australia – proceedings of a workshop 22-24 October 1996, Albury / Roberts, J. and
Controlling nitrogen flows and losses
Convective flows in porous media
Convective flows in porous media; proceedings of a seminar
Convention, Lincoln University, 25-28 August
Cook Bicentenary Expedition in the South-west Pacific
Cook bicentenary expedition in the South-west Pacific
Cook Strait submarine power cable project
Cool-water carbonates
Copper in Northland
Coral reefs
Coral reefs
Coronary Artery Disease
Correx 88 Australasian Corrosion Association Seminar
Corrosion & materials
Corrosion & prevention ’98 : proceedings, 23-25th Nov 1998, Hobart, Australia
Corrosion & prevention 95 Australia.
Corrosion 91 : proceedings of the Australasian Corrosion Association Conference
Corrosion 92 : the NACE Annual Conference and Corrosion Show,
Corrosion 94 : the NACE Annual Conference and Corrosion Show, Houston, Tx
Corrosion 94 : the NACE Annual Conference and Corrosion Show, Houston, Tx,
Corrosion 96 : proceedings of the NACE International annual conference and exposition
Corrosion 96 : proceedings of the NACE International annual conference and exposition
Corrosion 96 : the NACE International annual conference and exposition,
Corrosion 96 : the NACE International annual conference and exposition, 1996
Corrosion 97 : NACE annual conference and exposition, 1997
Corrosion and materials
Corrosion and prevention 93 : Conference 33 : proceedings of the ACA conference held 21-25 November, Newcastle, Australia
Corrosion and Prevention 94 : proceedings of the Australasian Corrosion Association, South Australia Branch Conference, held 28-30
Corrosion Asia : the Second NACE Asian Conference : 26-30 September 1994
Corrosion Australasia
Corrosion Control in Food Processing Industries : a symposium organised by the Auckland Division of the Australasian Corrosion Association
Corrosion in the Oil and Gas Industries : proceedings of a symposium held at New Plymouth, 27 April by the Australasian Corrosion
Corrosion science
Corrosion Science
Corrosion science
Corrosion technology – and beyond 1984
Corrosion technology, and beyond 1984
COSSA (CSIRO Office of Space Science and Space Observations) COSSA Publ 037.
COSSA publication / CSIRO Office of Space Science and Applications ; 037
Cost and management accounting bulletin
Cost-effective refrigeration
Country-Wide (Northern edition) , April
CP684, Temperature: Its measurement and control in science and industry
CPC 2002 RACI/NZIC Conference on Physical Chemistry, Christchurch
CPEM Conference Digest CCT, 2000-2
Cratering in marine environments and on ice
CRC critical reviews in food science and nutrition
CRC handbook of agricultural productivity
CRC handbook of chromatography
CRC handbook of flowering
CRC handbook on human metabolism of alcohol
CRC handbook on the human metabolism of alcohol
Creating Tourism Knowledge : 14th International Research Conference of the Council for Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education : CAUTHE 2004 : proceedings
Creative thinking at cellular level
Cretaceous and Cenozoic geology of the Chatham Rise Region,
Cretaceous and Cenozoic geology of the Chatham Rise region,
Cretaceous and Cenozoic sedimentary basins and geological
Cretaceous research
Cretaceous research. 19(6)
Cretaceous research. 20(3)
Cretaceous stratigraphy of the Raukumara Peninsula
Cretaceous-Tertiary mass extinctions : biotic and environmental changes
Crime scene to court room : partnerships in science medicine & justice : CrimTrac International Symposium on the Forensic Sciences, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 5-10 March 2000 : program
Crisis or control
Critical factors in localised corrosion III
Crop protection
Crop protection
Crop protection , 23
Crop protection compendium. Global module
Crop protection, 17:65-74
Crop protection, 18:427-435
Crop protection, 19:677-683
Crop protection, 20:465-488
Crop protection, 20:553-560
Crop protection, 20:571-579
Crop protection, 22:603-608
Crop research news
Crop Science
Crop science
Crop Science
Cross country
Crossing frontiers : landscape ecology down under : building bridges between cultures, disciplines and approaches : IALE World Congress 2003, Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia, 13-17 July 2003 : abstracts book
Crossroads ’91: Foods of the 90’s
Cruciferae newsletter
Cruciferae Newsletter
Cruiferae newsletter
Crustaceana ; International journal of crustacean research
Crustal Fluids, “The Behaviour of Volatiles in Magma”, held at Tsukuba,
Cryptogamie bryologie , 22
Cryptogamie mycologie , 23
Cryptogamie mycologie , 24
Cryptogamie mycologie , 25
Crystal Structure Communications
Crystal structure Communications
Crystal structure communications
Crystal XIX : Nineteenth Meeting of the Society of Crystallographers in Australia, April 18-21,, University of Ballarat,
Crystal XX : Twentieth meeting of the Society of Crystallographers in Australia Zealand.
Crystal XX : Twentieth meeting of the Society of Crystallographers in Australia. Held April 2-5, 1997 Queenstown, New Zealand
Crytogamie, bryologie, lichenologie , 16
Crytogamie, bryologie, lichenologie , 19
CSIRO food preservation quarterly
CSIRO Food research quarterly
Cultural imperialism and exact sciences
Culture & Biotechnology, 14th:20
Culture & Biotechnology, 14th:45
Culture for the Conservation of Biodiversity and Plant Genetic Resources
Current : newsletter of the New Zealand Hydrological Society
Current applied physics
Current applied physics
Current contents ; Agriculture, biology & environmental
Current developments in biological nitrogen fixation
Current Developments in Lens Design and Optical Engineering, SPIE Annual Meeting, San Diego, July-August 2001
Current genetics
Current microbiology
Current opinion in plant biology, 6:208-214
Current organic chemistry
Current perspectives in nitrogen fixation
Current research
Current research on volcanic lakes
Current science (Bangalore)
Current topics in medicinal chemistry
Current topics in phytochemistry
Current trends in fruit and vegetables phytochemistry : proceedings of the Photochemical Society of Europe Symposium, Murcia, Spain,
Current. 14
Cybernetics and systems
Cyrstal Structure Communications
Cytogenetics and cell genetics
Cytogenetics of crop plants
Cytometry Part A
Cytometry, 26:40
Cytometry, 29:28-33
Cytometry, Supp. 11:98