H. Moss
H.-J. Stan ed. Analysis of pesticides in ground and surface water I : progress in basic multi-residue methods. Vol. 11, p. 69-110.
Haikan to Sochi
Hamburgisches Zoologisches Museum und Institut
Hamilton gullies : a workshop hosted by the University of Waikato and sponsored by the Hamilton City Council 29-30 April 2000 : summary of workshop abstracts, presentations and feedback
Hamilton: The Conference
Handbook and proceedings : New Zealand Volcanological Workshop
Handbook for Middle Atmosphere Program
Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic Birds
Handbook of environmental isotope geochemistry, volume 1
Handbook of environmental physiology of fruit crops
Handbook of hydrocolloids
Handbook of insect rearing
Handbook of insect rearing ; Volume 2
Handbook of processes and modeling in the soil-plant system
Handbook of statistics
Handbook of strata-bound and stratiform ore deposits
Handbook of strata-bound and stratiform ore deposits, volume 7
Handbook of superconducting materials
Handbook of the Rotorua Lakes District
Handbook of the Rotorua Lakes district
Handbook of vegetation science
Handbook on earthquake magnitude determinations
Harmful algae
Harmful algae / edited by B. Reguera et al. |dXunta de Galicia and Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, 1998
Harmful algae news
Harmful marine algal blooms = Proliferations d’algues marines nuisibles : Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Toxic
Harmonization of regulations on food irradiation in Asia and the Pacific : proceedings of a seminar jointly organized by the Joint
Harwell Consultants Symposium on Inert (Rare) Gases in Metals
Hatchery international
Hawaii Conservation Conference 2002, Honolulu, Hawaii, 18-19 July 2002 : conference program and abstracts
Hawaii Conservation Conference, July 30-31, 1998, Hilton Hawaiin Village, Tapa Tower, Honolulu, Hawaii
Hawke’s Bay Acclimatisation Society centenary,-1968 1968
Hawke’s Bay region
Hazard : Abstracts [of the] Geophysical Symposium, 23-24 August 1990, Royal Society Science Centre, Wellington
Hazards & society : planning for an earthquake crisis in New Zealand : 28-29 February 2000, field trip to Wellington Fault, 1 March 2000
He korero korari : Newsletter of the Harakeke Weaving Variety Evaluation , 1
He korero korari : Newsletter of the Harakeke Weaving Variety Evaluation , 10
He korero korari : Newsletter of the Harakeke Weaving Variety Evaluation , 11
He korero korari : Newsletter of the Harakeke Weaving Variety Evaluation , 12
He korero korari : Newsletter of the Harakeke Weaving Variety Evaluation , 2
He korero korari : Newsletter of the Harakeke Weaving Variety Evaluation , 3
He korero korari : Newsletter of the Harakeke Weaving Variety Evaluation , 4
He korero korari : Newsletter of the Harakeke Weaving Variety Evaluation , 5
He korero korari : Newsletter of the Harakeke Weaving Variety Evaluation , 6
He korero korari : Newsletter of the Harakeke Weaving Variety Evaluation , 7
He korero korari : Newsletter of the Harakeke Weaving Variety Evaluation , 8
He korero korari : Newsletter of the Harakeke Weaving Variety Evaluation , 9
He korero paihama : Possum research news , 1
He korero paihama : Possum research news , 10
He korero paihama : Possum research news , 11
He korero paihama : Possum research news , 12
He korero paihama : Possum research news , 13
He korero paihama : Possum research news , 14
He korero paihama : Possum research news , 15
He korero paihama : Possum research news , 16
He korero paihama : Possum research news , 17
He korero paihama : Possum research news , 2
He korero paihama : Possum research news , 3
He korero paihama : Possum research news , 4
He korero paihama : Possum research news , 5
He korero paihama : Possum research news , 6
He korero paihama : Possum research news , 7
He korero paihama : Possum research news , 8
He korero paihama : Possum research news , 9
He Puna Korero : journal of Maori and Pacific development , 32
Healing Waters Conference 2000 : Healing Waters Spa Conference handbook, 17 to 20 July 2000
Health and Safety Laboratory environmental quarterly ; December
Health impacts of different sources of energy
Health physics
Health-related monitoring of trace element pollutants using
Heat and mass transfer in porous structures
Heat pump research in New Zealand
Heather Control Workshop held at Whakapapa, Mount Ruapehu,
Heathlands and Related Shrublands
Heathlands and related shrublands
Heathwaite Wallingford : IAHS, 1998.
Heating , air conditioning, refrigeration, ventilation
Heating and Air Treatment Engineer
Heating and Cooling Programme
Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, Ventilation
Heating, air conditioning, refrigeration, ventilation
Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, Ventilation, 1(1)
Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, Ventilation, 1(2)
Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, Ventilation, 1(3)
Heavy metals in the environment
Heavy vehicle design seminar
Hebe news
Hebe news
Heinemann Reed
Helvetica chimica acta
Helvetica physica acta
Herbage abstracts
Herbage seed production
Herbage seed production ; Proceedings of a conference ; New
Heretaunga Plains groundwater study
Heretaunga Plains groundwater study. Volume 2, Data collection and analysis
Heretaunga Plains, groundwater resource investigations – Awatoto Exploratory water well – HBRC Well No. 3699
Heritage hearsay : news of Antarctic Heritage Trust
High country news , 37
High Country Science Seminar,18 June 2003 Cromwell : report
High Performance Yachting Conference, Auckland
High pressure chemical engineering : proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on High Pressure Chemical Engineering, Zürich, Switzerland, October 7-9, 1996
High spectral resolution infrared remote sensing for Earth’s weather and climate studies
High temperature high pressures
High Temperatures-High Pressures
High-temperature acid fluids and associated alteration and mineralization : extended abstracts of the 3rd Symposium on Deep-crust
Hikobia , 13
Hill Lands
Historic places in New Zealand
Historical biology
Historical review
Historical seismograms and earthquakes of the World
History and Natural History of the Boulder Bank, Nelson Haven,
History and natural history of the Boulder Bank, Nelson Haven,
History of systematic botany in Australasia : proceedings of a symposium held at the University of Melbourne, 25-27 May
Hochstein et al.–Melting of Hooker Glacier Holocene
Holocene , 10
Holocene , 13
Holocene , 6
Holocene , 7
Holocene. 10(1)
Holocene. 10(3)
Holocene. 10(5)
Holocene. 8(4)
Holocene. 9(2)
Holocene. 9(6)
Holt, A; Dickinson, K; Kearsley, GW eds. Environmental indicators. p. 179.
Holz als Roh-und Werkstoff
Holz forschung
Hormone and metabolic research
Hornibrook Symposium,, extended abstracts 1987
Horticultural News Apr ?
Horticultural processing bulletin
Horticultural Reviews
Horticultural reviews
Horticultural reviews
Horticultural reviews, 20:121-224
Horticultural reviews, 21:105-131
Horticultural Science
Horticultural Science convention, 2003:20-21
Horticultural Science convention, 2003:22
Horticulture in N
Horticulture in New Zealand
Horticulture in New Zealand
Horticulture in New Zealand , 4
Horticulture in New Zealand , 5
Horticulture in New Zealand , 6
Horticulture news
Horticulture News
Horticulture News Jul ?
Horticulture News Jun ?
Horticulture News June ?
Horticulture News Mar ?
Horticulture News May ?
Horticulture News Sep ?
Horticulture news, 20(11):23
Horticulture news, 20(2):13
Horticulture news, 20(4):20
Horticulture news, 20(9):22
Horticulture news, 21(2):19
Horticulture news, 21(6):22
Horticulture news, 21(7):20
HortResearch technical report, 2000/210:
HortResearch technical report, 2000/303:
HortResearch technical report, 2001/01:
HortResearch technical report, 2001/01:12-15
HortResearch technical report, 2001/01:16-21
HortResearch technical report, 2001/01:22-24
HortResearch technical report, 2001/01:25-27
HortResearch technical report, 2001/01:28-30
HortResearch technical report, 2001/01:3-4
HortResearch technical report, 2001/01:42-44
HortResearch technical report, 2001/01:45-46
HortResearch technical report, 2001/01:5-6
HortResearch technical report, 2001/375:
HortResearch technical report, 2001/376:
HortResearch technical report, 2002/203:
HortResearch technical report, 2002/362:
HortResearch technical report, 2002/363:
HortResearch technical report, 97/1:
HortResearch technical report, 97/20:
HortResearch technical report, 98/1:
HortResearch technical report, 98/2:
HortResearch technical report, 98/3:
HortResearch technical report, 99/224:
HortResearch technical report, 99/225:
HortResearch technical report, 99/239:
HortResearch technical report; 03/01.
HortResearch technical updating seminar : pest and diseases problems and solutions
HortScience, 30:562-565
HortScience, 32:1169-1173
HortScience, 32:1247-1251
HortScience, 32:446
HortScience, 32:506
HortScience, 32:536
HortScience, 32:653-658
HortScience, 33:1141-1144
HortScience, 33:1167-1171
HortScience, 33:699-700
HortScience, 33:719-722
HortScience, 33:878-880
HortScience, 34:1040-1047
HortScience, 34:1071-1075
HortScience, 34:305-309
HortScience, 34:915-919
HortScience, 35:104-107
HortScience, 35:1202-1206
HortScience, 35:516
HortScience, 36:1155-1158
HortScience, 36:225-231
HortScience, 36:699-702
HortScience, 37:647-650
HortScience, 37:662-665
HortScience, 38:422-423
Host specificity, pathology and host pathogen interactions of “Colletotrichum”
Hotel, Auckland, New Zealand
Hotel, Khon Kaen, Thailand
Hotel, New Zealand
House, 11 Turnbull Street, Wellington on Monday 19 February
House, the Royal Society of New Zealand, Wellington, on 26-27 May
How to achieve effective environmental management: challenges and opportunities facing New Zealand industry
Hui, YH; Nip, W-K; Rogers, RW; Young, OA eds. Meat science and applications. p. 295-318.
Human & experimental toxicology
Human activity and environmental processes
Human and ecological risk assessment
Human and experimental toxicology , 13
Human and experimental toxicology , 14
Human conflicts with wildlife : economic considerations ; proceedings of the Third NWRC Special Symposium, August 1-3, 2000, Fort Collins, CO
Humic Substances Seminar VI, Maureen and Richard J Egan Research Center, Northeastern University, July 27, 2002
Huntly press
HYDRA Volume 1
Hydraulic Engineering ’94
Hydraulic Engineering : proceedings National Conference
Hydro international
Hydro international
Hydro international. 2(3)
Hydro international. 2(5)
Hydrogen effects in metals
Hydrogeology journal
Hydrogeology journal. 6
Hydrogeology journal. 8(3)
Hydrographic journal
Hydrological drought : processes and estimation methods for streamflow and groundwater / edited by, Lena M. Tallaksen, Henry A.J.
Hydrological Drought: Processes and estimation methods for streamflow and groundwater / c edited by Lena M. Tallaksen, Henny A. J.
Hydrological processes
Hydrological processes , 15
Hydrological processes , 8
Hydrological processes, 16:1321-1323
Hydrological processes. 14(6)
Hydrological science journal
Hydrological sciences bulletin
Hydrological sciences journal
Hydrological sciences journal
Hydrological sciences journal. 44(2)
Hydrology ’96 : “From inputs to outputs” : abstracts : Joint NZ Hydrological Society Symposium and 10th Australasian Hydrographic Workshop :
Hydrology ’96 : “From inputs to outputs” : field trip notes : Joint NZ Hydrological Society Symposium and 10th Australasian Hydrographic
Hydrology ’96 : “from inputs to outputs” : Wellington, 18-20 November : abstracts
Hydrology ’96 : from inputs to outputs : Joint NZ Hydrological Society Symposium and 10th Australasian Hydrographic Workshop : Wellington, 18-20 November 1996
Hydrology ’96 : from inputs to outputs : Joint NZ Hydrological Society Symposium and 10th Australasian Hydrographic Workshop : Wellington, 18-20 November 1996 : Session 2
Hydrology ’96 : from inputs to outputs : Joint NZ Hydrological Society Symposium and 10th Australasian Hydrographic Workshop : Wellington, 18-20 November 1996 : Session 4
Hydrology : science and practice for the 21st century : Volume 2
Hydrology and Cultural Insight in the Pacific Rim
Hydrology and earth system sciences
Hydrology and the Community : NZ Hydrological Society Symposium, 18-21 November 2003, Taupo : programme and abstracts
Hydrology and the Community: New Zealand Hydrological Society Symposium, Taupo, 18-21 November 2003.
Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium 1989
Hydrology in a changing environment : proceedings of the British Hydrological Society International Conference, Exeter, July 1998 /
Hydrology, water resources and ecology in headwaters / edited by K. Kovar [et al.] IAHS, 1998.
Hydrology, water resources, and ecology in headwaters : Proceedings of the HeadWater ’98 Conference held at Meran/Merano, Italy, April 1998
Hymenoptera : evolution, biodiversity and biological control : International Hymenopterists Conference (4th : 1999 : Canberra, A.C.T.)
Hyperfine Interaction
Hyperfine Interactions
Hyperfine interactions
Hyperfine Interactions
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