I Congresso Iberico de Paleontologia and XVI Jornadas de la Sociedad Espanola de Paleontologia, Evora, Portugal, 12 a 14 de Outubro de 2000
I U Cr Newsletter
IAGA news
IAHS publication
IAHS-AISH publication
IAPRI World Conference on Packaging
IAPRI World Conference on Packaging : Packaging beyond 2000
IAS 2001 : 21st Meeting International Association of Sedimentologists, Davos, Switzerland, 3-5 September 2001 : abstracts & programme
IASPEI 1997 : the 29th General Assembly of the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior, Thessaloniki, Greece, August 18-28, 1997 : abstracts
IAVCEI abstracts : ancient volcanism & modern analogues
IAVCEI Congress, Tarawera, New Zealand, 1986
IAWA Bulletin
IAWA bulletin
IAWA bulletin new series
Ibis , 137
Ibis , 140
IC’99 Conference, Wellington, 1999
ICARCV : Proceedings of the third International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision held in Singapore,
ICCM 13, Beijing, China, June 25-29 2001
Ice sheets. 3(1)
ICES Cooperative Research Report
ICES journal of marine science
ICES journal of marine science
ICON06 Conference Tuscon, Arizona, 2001
ICONIP / ANZIIS / ANNES 99 Workshop, Dunedin
ICP information newsletter
ICP/NZ Trace Elements Group Joint Conference : programme & abstracts : 20-22 November, Le Grand Hotel, Hamilton
ICP/NZ Trace Elements Group joint conference, 20-22 November 1996, Le Grand Hotel, Hamiliton : programme and abstracts
ICP/NZ Trace Elements Group Joint Conference, 20-22 November 1996, Le Grand Hotel, Hamilton
ICPP2003 8th International Congress of Plant Pathology : Christchurch, New Zealand, 2-7 February 2003 : abstracts of invited papers
ICPP2003 8th International Congress of Plant Pathology : Christchurch, New Zealand, 2-7 February 2003 : abstracts of offered papers
Ideas on the control of gravel bed rivers
Identification of key species for conservation and socio-economic development : proceedings of a workshop organised by the Commonwealth Science Council and the Intrenational Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Trinidad and Tobago, March 1989
IEA Conference on Technology Responses to Global Environmental Challenges, Kyoto, November : proceedings
IEE Electronic Letters, submitted 1998
IEE Proceedings
IEE proceedings
IEE proceedings
IEE proceedings A
IEE Proceedings, Communications
IEEE Asia Pacific Microwave Conference 2000
IEEE communications letters
IEEE Communications Society Transactions
IEEE Industry Applications Conference, 1999, Phoenix, Arizona
IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference proceedings
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 97), New Mexico, USA, May 97
IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation, Quebec
IEEE Journal of oceanic engineering
IEEE Journal of oceanic engineering
IEEE journal of selected areas in communications
IEEE journal selected areas in communications
IEEE microwave and guided wave letters
IEEE microwave and guided wave letters
IEEE microwave and wireless components letters
IEEE microwave theory and techniques
IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, PVSC, New Orleans, 20th-24th May 2002
IEEE proceedings
IEEE Robotics and Automation Conference, IEEE, V96025, Minneapolis, USA, April 1996
IEEE signal processing letters
IEEE Spectrum
IEEE transaction on antennas and propagation
IEEE Transactions (submitted)
IEEE transactions of Geoscience and Remote Sensing
IEEE transactions of instrumentation and measurement
IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
IEEE Transactions on antennas and propagation
IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity
IEEE Transactions on biomedical engineering
IEEE transactions on circuit theory
IEEE transactions on communications
IEEE transactions on electromagnetic compatibility
IEEE Transactions on geoscience and remote sensing , 35
IEEE Transactions on geoscience and remote sensing , 37
IEEE Transactions on geoscience and remote sensing , 38
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing Jan
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 37(5)
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing. 38(2)
IEEE transactions on geoscience electronics
IEEE transactions on industry applications
IEEE Transactions on industry applications
IEEE transactions on industry applications
IEEE transactions on information theory
IEEE Transactions on information theory
IEEE Transactions on Instrumenation and Measurement
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
IEEE transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
IEEE Transactions on instrumentation and measurement
IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement
IEEE Transactions on instrumentation and measurement (submitted)
IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurements
IEEE transactions on instrumetation and measurement-IM 46(5)
IEEE Transactions on microwave theory and techniques
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques
IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence
IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence , 17
IEEE transactions on signal processing
IEEE transactions on signal processing
IEEE transactions on sonics and ultrasonics
IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing
IEEE Transactions on vehicular technology
IEEE transactions on vehicular technology
IEEE transactions on vehicular technology
IEEE Transactions on wireless communications
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference
IEEE Wireless Workshop, University of Auckland, Auckland, 2001
IEEE Wireless Workshop, Victoria University, Wellington 2000
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Science
IEN : industrial equipment news
IES lighting review
IESANZ Convention, April, Auckland New Zealand
IGA news
IGARSS ’93 : 1993 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS ’93) : better understanding of earth environment : Kogakuin University, Tokyo, Japan, August 18-21, 1993 : Vol.IV
IGARSS ’98 : sensing and managing the environment : 1988 IEEE International Geoscience and remote Sensing Syymposium proceedings : Seattle, 6-10 July, 1998, Sheraton Seattle, WA, USA
IGARSS 2001: proceedings : IEEE 2001International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium : scanning the present and resolving the future : Piscataway, NJ : : 9-13 July 2001, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia : Vol.7.
IGARSS 2002 : Remote sensing : integrating our view of the planet : proceedings : IEEE 2002 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium and the 24th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing : June 24-28, Westin Harbour Castle Hotel & Conference Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada : Vol.2.
IGARSS 2003 : Learning from Earth’s Shapes and Sizes : 2003 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium : proceedings : Centre de CongrŠs Pierre Baudis, Toulouse, France, 21-25 July 2003
III Congreso Mundial de Plantas Solanaceas
IIW Public Session and Metals Technology Conference ( 1976
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics
IMA journal of applied mathematics
IMA journal of mathematics applied in medicine & biology
IMA journal of mathematics applied in medicine and biology , 14
Image” “& vision computing NZ 93 : proceedings of the First New Zealand Conference on Image and Vision Computing, Auckland, 16-18 August 1993
Image & vision computing NZ 93 : proceedings of the First New Zealand Conference on Image and Vision Computing, Auckland, 16-18 August 1993.
Image and Vision Computing 16(2) February 1998
Image and Vision Computing 2000 New Zealand
Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
Image and Vision Computing New Zealand 2002, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, 26th-28th November 2002 : proceedings
Image and Vision Computing New Zealand Conference
Image and Vision Computing New Zealand, IVCNZ’98
Image and vision computing, New Zealand : international conference, IVCNZ’98, Auckland, New Zealand, November 16-18, 1998 : proceedings
Images to Information : 11th Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference : September 2-6, 2002, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia : conference proceedings
IMC7 : 7th International Mycological Congress, Oslo 11-17 August 2002 : book of abstracts
IMMA/IEAust Joint Seminar – Materials for Extreme Environments, Port Hedland, Australia
IMMA/IEAust Joint Seminar : Materials for Extreme Environments : Port Hedland, October 15-16, 1997
Immunological communications
Impact of land-use change on nutrient loads from diffuse sources
Impact of land-use change on nutrient loads from diffuse sources : proceedings of an international symposium held during IUGG 99,
Impact of molecular biology on crop production, 1998:[1p.]
Impact of Science on Society
Impacts of urban growth on surface water and groundwater quality
Implications for earthquake risk reduction in the United States from the Kocaeli, Turkey, earthquake of August 17, 1999
Improving conventional control of possums : proceedings of a workshop organised by the Possum and Bovine Tuberculosis Control National
Improving conventional control of possums : proceedings of a workshop organised by the Possum and Bovine Tuberculosis Control National Science Strategy Committee, 25-26 October 1995, Wellington
IMS bulletin / International Magnetospheric Study
IMS in Antarctica
IMSTEC ’96 : proceedings – extended abstracts for the International Membrane Science and Technology Conference : 12-14 November
IMSTEC ’96 : proceedings – extended abstracts for the International Membrane Science and Technology Conference : 12-14 November 1996, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
IMTC 99 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Venice
In” “situ and on-site bioremediation : papers from the Fourth International In” ”Situ and On-Site Bioremediation” ”Symposium, New Orleans, April 28-May 1, 1997
In conference proceedings of “On-Site ’01 – Advancing On-site systems”, held at University of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia,
In ed
In search of New Zealand’s scientific heritage
Inaugural Conference Institute of Waste Management (NZ) Inc
Inaugural Conference Institute of Waste Management (NZ) Inc,
Inaugural New Zealand Metals Industry Conference
Incompatibility newsletter
Indian journal of earth science
Indian journal of experimental biology, 37:980-985
Indian journal of marine science
Indigena , September 2003
Indigenous knowledge and development monitor , 6(3)
Indonesia Geothermal Study and Evaluation Project (IGSEP)
Induced mutations
Induced mutations in cross-breeding
Industrial & engineering chemistry research
Industrial & engineering chemistry research
Industrial and engineering chemistry
Industrial and engineering chemistry fundamentals
Industrial and engineering chemistry process design and
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research
Industrial and engineering chemistry research
Industrial and engineering chemistry, analytical edition
Industrial applications of the mossbauer effect
Industrial Bulletin
Industrial bulletin
Industrial bulletin 23(3)
Industrial bulletin of New Zealand
Industrial Corrosion Monitoring
Industrial corrosion monitoring ; Proceedings of a one day
Industrial Development
Industrial development
Industrial Diamond review
Industrial Engineering
Industrial Engineering Chemistry
Industrial minerals and rocks
Industrial minerals and rocks 1967
Industrial minerals and rocks 1969
Industrial minerals and rocks 1970
Industrial minerals. 386
Industrial minerals. 394
Industry and Higher Education: 2001 R&D Management Conference, Wellington
Infection and immunity
Infofish marketing digest
Inform : news and information from the Department of Internal Affairs
Inform : news and information from the Department of Internal Affairs. 4(1)
Information and abstracts / Australian wine industry technical conference, 11th:1[p.]
Information in formation , 1
Information in formation , 10
Information in formation , 11
Information in formation , 12
Information in formation , 13
Information in formation , 14
Information in formation , 2
Information in formation , 3
Information in formation , 4
Information in formation , 5
Information in formation , 6
Information in formation , 7
Information in formation , 8
Information in formation , 9
Information needs of the earthquake insurance industry in New
Information Processing & Management
Information series / Department of Scientific and Industrial
Information Systems for Soil and Related Data
Information systems for soil and related data ; Proceedings of
Informativo del Comite Aurifero de la Sociedad Nacional de Mineria y Petroleo
Ingenieur (Utrecht)
Inhalation toxicology , 16, Supplement 1
Initial reports of Deep Sea Drilling Project
Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project
Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project
Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project ; 90
Inland Waters of New Zealand
Innovation in zeolite materials science
Innovative technology : papers presented in the Technical programme of the IPENZ Annual Conference held in Palmerston North, February
Innovative technology : Proceedings IPENZ Annual Conference : papers presented in the Technical Programme of the IPENZ Annual
Innovative technology : Proceedings of the IPENZ Annual Conference : papers presented in the Technical Programme of the IPENZ Annual
Inoculum , 52(3)
Inorganic and nuclear chemistry letters
Inorganic Chemistry
Inorganic chemistry
Inorganic plant nutrition
Inorganica Chimica Acta
Inorganica chimica acta
INQUA Congress, XIIth, July – August 9,, Ottawa [abstracts] 1987
INQUA IX International Congress Tour Notes
INQUA IX International Congress Tour Notes, 2pp, map
Insect biochemistry
Insect biochemistry and molecular biology
Insect biochemistry and molecular biology , 26
Insect biochemistry and molecular biology, 27:929-944
Insect biochemistry and molecular biology, 28:139-150
Insect biochemistry and molecular biology, 30:1069-1078
Insect biochemistry and molecular biology, 31:805-816
Insect biochemistry and molecular biology, 32:1543-1554
Insect chemical ecology : proceedings of a conference held in Tabor, Czechoslovakia, 12-18 August
Insect outbreaks
Insect pheromone research: new directions. First International Symposium on Insect Pheromones, Wageningen, Netherlands, 6-11 March 1994
Insect science and its application
Insectes sociaux-Social insects , 41
Insight in the Pacific Rim
Insstitution of Professional Engineers Conference : The Sustainable City
Institute of Acoustics, Proceedings
Institute of New Zealand Plumbing and Drainage Inspectors 7th
Institute of Noxious Plant Officers Inc
Institute of Noxious Plants Officers National Education and Training Seminar, 15-16 August 1994 : proceedings
Institute of Oceanographic Sciences report
Institute of Physics Conference 1999
Institution of Chemical Engineers transactions
Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand : The Sustainable City
Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand conference
Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand transactions
Institutului Politehnic Din Iasi
Instrumentation and research programmes for small telescopes
INTECOL bulletin
Intecol bulletin
Integrated environmental management : NZ Water Supply and Disposal annual conference, Christchurch 26-28 August, conference
Integrated environmental management : NZ Water Supply and Disposal Association annual conference, Christchurch 26-28 August,
Integrated environmental management : NZ Water Supply and Disposal Association Annual Conference, Christchurch, 26-28 August,
Integrated environmental management : NZ Water Supply and Disposal Association annual conference, Christchurch, 26-28 August,
Integrated ferroelectrics
Integrated methods in catchment hydrology : proceedings of an international symposium held during IUGG 99, the XXII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, at Birmingham, UK 18-30 July 1999
Integrated methods in catchment hydrology : tracer, remote sensing and new hydrometric techniques
Integrated pest and disease management in greenhouse crops
Integrated systems analysis ad climate impacts
Integrated systems analysis and climate impacts
Integrating landscape ecology into natural resource management
Intelligent systems in design and manufacturing : 2-4 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts
Intenational Poplar Commission
Inter-Naval Corrosion Conference, 5th, Auckland, 5-9 April 1976
Inter-noise 95 : proceedings of the International Conference on Noise Control Engineering, held at Newport Beach, US
Inter-Ocean ’81
Interact 2002 : program and abstracts, Sydney, Australia, July 2002
Interaction between sediments and fresh water
Interaction studies in nuclei ; Proceedings of an International
Interactions between carbon dioxide and nitrogen assimilation
Interactions between sediments and fresh water
Interdisciplinary science reviews
Interim oceanographic description of the North-East Atlantic
Interim oceanographic description of the north-east Atlantic
Interlinkages bewteen biological diversity and climate change. Advice on the integration of biodiversity considerations into the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and its Kyoto Protocol
Internal symposium on the oceanography of the South Pacific
International agrophysics
International Araucariaceae Symposium : International Dendrology Society, Auckland, New Zealand, March 14-17, 2002 : abstracts
International Association for Landscape Ecology bulletin , 19
International Association of Forensic Sciences conference proceedings
International Association of Geomorphologists Southeast Asia Conference, Singapore, 18-23 June 1995 : Programme with Abstracts
International Association of Hydrological Sciences
International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior (IASPEI)
International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior : 27th General Assembly, Wellington, New Zealand,,
International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology,
International biodeterioration and biodegradation , 45
International Bioherbicide Group News , 8
International botrytis symposium, XIIth:L22
International botrytis symposium, XIIth:L28
International botrytis symposium, XIIth:P26
International botrytis symposium, XIIth:P41
International camellia journal
International Carbohydrate Sympsoium, Hamburg, 2000
International Clay Conference 1982
International Clean Air Conference (14th : 1998 : Melbourne, Australia)
International Clean Air Conference (15th : 2000 : Sydney, Australia)
International Coastal Symposium 2000, Rotorua, New Zealand, April 24-28, 2000 : conference program and abstracts
International conference : Modern preparation and response systems for earthquake, tsunami and volcanic hazards, 27-30 April, 1998, Santiago, Chile
International Conference of Environment and Urban Management, August 1-2, 2003, Semarang, Indonesia : abstract book
International Conference of the Society of Automotive 1986
International Conference on Advanced Materials Development and Performance, 2nd, Tokushima, Japan, 1999
International Conference on Advanced Materials Processing (ICAMP 2000)
International Conference on Advanced Materials Processing (ICAMP 2000), Rotorua
International Conference on Antennas and Propagation
International Conference on Arctic Microbiology 22.-25.3.2004, Rovaniemi Finland : program and abstracts
International Conference on Co-Ordination Chemistry, 8th,
International Conference on Coal Seam Gas and Oil : handbook & abstracts
International Conference on Drainage Basin Dynamics and Morphology, 22-29 May 1999, Jerusalem, Israel
International Conference on Environmental Radioactivity in the
International Conference on Fatigue and Transportation Engineering, Enforcement and Education Solutions
International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Intelligent Control : IFSIC’96
International Conference on Lighthouses and Other Aids to
International Conference on Low Radioactivity Measurement and
International Conference on Low-Radioactivity Measurements and
International Conference on Marine Disposal of Wastewater,
International Conference on Microelectronics, Circuits and
International Conference on Quasi One-Dimensional Conductors
International Conference on Robotics and Automation ICRA 2000, San Francisco
International Conference on Stable Isotopes
International Conference on Storms : storms science to disaster mitigation, Brisbane, Australia, 5-9 July, 2004 : abstracts
International Conference on Sustainability Engineering and Science : 6-9 July 2004, Auckland
International Conference on Underwater Acoustics : Acoustic Imaging and Remote Sensing
International conference to water supply technology
International Congress of Meat Science and Technology ’97, Auckland July 1997
International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, 43:42-45
International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 22nd,
International Congress on Modelling and Simulation : proceedings, 8-11 December 1997, the University of Tasmania, Hobart
International Dairy Journal
International Deep Gas Workshop, May 21-24,, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Hannover, F
International Energy Agency programme to develop and test solar
International Fluidization Conference, (Banff, Canada, 7-12 May
International Forestry Conference for the Australian
International Geological Congress, 25th Sydney
International Geological Congress, 25th, Excursion Guide 55A,
International Geological Congress, 25th, Tour Guide
International Geological Congress, 25th, Tour Notes
International Geological Correlation Program Project 206
International Geological Correlation Programme (IGCP)
International geology review
International geomorphology 1987
International Glaciological Society Symposium on Ice Dynamics
International Gondwana Symposium (5th)
International Gondwana Symposium, 5th, Guide Book
International Gondwana Symposium, 5th, Guide Book No
International Gondwana Symposium, 5th, Tour Notes
International handbook of earthquake & engineering seismology. Part B, handbook CD 2
International hydrology and water resources symposium : challenge for sustainable development, Perth, 2-4 October 1991 : preprints
International hydrology and water resources symposium : challenge for sustainable development, Perth, 2-4 October, 1991 : preprints
International Institute of Refrigeration annexe
International Institute of Refrigeration bulletin
International Institute of Refrigeration Conference
International Institute of Refrigeration, Commission 2, Turin,
International Inter – INQUA Field Conference and Workshop on Tephrochronology, Loess and Paleopedology : University of Waikato, Hamilton,
International journal for hybrid microelectronics
International journal for numerical methods in engineering
International journal for numerical methods in fluids
International journal for parasitology
International journal for parasitology
International journal of acarology , 24
International journal of acarology , 26
International journal of air and water pollution
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation JA – JAG
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation. 1(2)
International journal of applied radiation and isotopes
International journal of biological macromolecules
International Journal of Biometeorology
International journal of biometeorology
International journal of biometeorology , 46
International journal of biotronics
International journal of biotronics, 31:51-71
International journal of climatology
International journal of climatology
International journal of climatology .506. CONFIDENTIAL
International journal of coal geology
International journal of coal geology. 35(1/4)
International journal of coal geology. 37(1/2)
International journal of coal geology. 37(3/4)
International journal of earth sciences
International journal of ecology and environmental sciences
International journal of electronics
International journal of engineering science
International journal of environmental health research
International journal of environmental health research , 8
International journal of food microbiology
International journal of food microbiology, 45:85-92
International Journal of Food Properties
International journal of food properties, 1:113-119
International journal of food properties, 1:121-139
International journal of food properties, 1:197-205
International journal of food properties, 1:35-44
International journal of food science and technology
International Journal of Food Science and Technology
International journal of fracture mechanics
International Journal of Geographical Information Science
International journal of geographical information science , 17
International journal of geographical information science , 18
International journal of geographical information systems
International journal of geographical information systems , 8
International journal of heat and mass transfer
International Journal of Heat Mass Transf
International journal of hydrogen energy
International Journal of Inorganic Materials
International journal of inorganic materials
International journal of invertebrate reproduction
International journal of legal medicine
International journal of mass spectrometry and ion physics
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
International journal of mining and geological engineering
International journal of nanoscience
International journal of pest management , 43
International journal of pest management , 46
International journal of pest management , 47
International journal of pest management , 48
International journal of phytoremediation
International journal of phytoremediation, 1:327-338
International journal of PIXE
International journal of PIXE. 9 (3/4)
International journal of plant science
International journal of plant science, 160:1099-1109
International journal of plant sciences
International journal of plant sciences , 164
International journal of preparatory protein residues
International journal of pressure vessels & piping
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping
International journal of radiation biology
International journal of radiation biology and related studies
International journal of radiation oncology, biology and physics
International journal of refrigeration
International Journal of Remote Sensing
International Journal of remote sensing
International journal of remote sensing
International journal of remote sensing
International journal of remote sensing , 16
International journal of remote sensing , 17
International journal of remote sensing , 18
International journal of remote sensing , 19
International journal of remote sensing , 21
International journal of remote sensing , 22
International journal of remote sensing , 23
International journal of remote sensing , 24
International journal of remote sensing , 25
International journal of remote sensing. 20(14)
International journal of remote sensing. 20(15/16)
International journal of remote sensing. 20(18)
International journal of remote sensing. 20(3)
International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology
International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology , 50
International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology , 51
International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology , 53
International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology , 54
International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology, 52:945-951
International journal of systematic bacteriology
International journal of systematic bacteriology , 43
International journal of systematic bacteriology , 47
International journal of systematic bacteriology , 49
International journal of theoretical physics
International journal of vehicle design
International journal of water jet technology
International journal of water resources development
International journal of water resources development
International journal of wireless information networks
International journal on remote sensing
International Laboratory of Marine Radioactivity
International lichenological newsletter , 35
International Macrocyclic Meeting, 28th-31st January, 1996, Wellington, (abstract)
International meat focus
International Natural Gas Vehicles Association conference, NGV’90 (Argentina : October)
International Navigation Association, Inc : 24-29 October, Orlando,
International networking in long-term ecological research : proceedings of an international summit, hosted by the U.S. LTER Network, September 23-24, 1993, Estes Park, Colorado, USA.
International Organization for Mycoplasmology 15th Congress July 11-16, 2004, Athens, Georgia : program
International peat journal , 8
International Poplar Commission, 15th session, FAO, Rome, Italy
International Poplar Commission, 17th session, Ottawa, Canada, October 1984
International Poplar Commission, FAO, Bucharest, Rumania
International Poplar Commission, FAO, Ottawa, Canada
International Postharvest Conference and Horticultural Journal, 4-9 August, 1996
International Pulp Bleaching Conference, 5th, Atlanta, 1970
International review of cytology supplement
International review of metal finishing
International Soil Conference Tour Notes
International Solar Energy Society
International Solar Energy Society Conference
International Specialty Conference, April 5-8,, Phoenix, Arizona
International Statistical Congress : Sydney, 8-12 July 1996
International Surfing Reef Symposium, Sydney, March 5, 1997.
International symposium / Irrigation and water relations in grapevine and fruit trees, 2001:26
International Symposium : Mars Exploration Program & Sample Return Missions : abstracts
International Symposium of the Effects of Forest Land Use on
International Symposium on : Biogeographic Aspects of Insularity (Rome, 18-22 May)
International Symposium on Acremonium / Grass Interactions : program and abstracts
International Symposium on Acremonium/grass interactions : program and abstracts
International Symposium on Atmospheric Chemistry and Future Global Environment : Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya, Japan 11-13 November
International Symposium on Bioproducts Processing, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, January
International Symposium on Continental Volcanism – IAVCEI Santa
International Symposium on Diversity in Coastal Evolution in the Quaternary : programme and abstracts, December 7-9, : International
International Symposium on Diversity in Coastal Evolution in the Quaternary : programme and abstracts, December 7-9,, annual meeting
International Symposium on Electron Nuclear Magnetic Resonance,
International Symposium on Environmental Changes of the Great Lake Tonle Sab, 2 November 2002, Kanazawa, Japan : abstracts
International Symposium on Environmental Changes of the Great Lake Tonle Sab, October 16, 2002, Phnom Penh, Cambodia : abstracts
International Symposium on Geodynamics in South-West Pacific
International Symposium on Geodynamics in South-west Pacific,
International Symposium on Geomatics in the Era of Radarsat, Ottawa, Ontario, 25-30 May 1997 [on CD-ROM]
International Symposium on Geothermal Energy
International Symposium on Geothermal Energy 1985
International Symposium on Geothermal Energy ; Geothermal 1985
International Symposium on Geothermal Energy in Latin America,
International Symposium on Geothermal Energy, Exploration and
International Symposium on GPS : application to earth sciences and interaction with other space geodetic techniques : in part joint with the Third International Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Space Geodynamics Program
International Symposium on Heavy Vehicle Weights and Dimensions,
International Symposium on High Temperature Corrosion and Protection, Hokkaido, Japan, 17-22 September, 2000
International Symposium on Interactive and Collaborative Computing (ICC 2000) part of Intelligent Systems and Applications (ISA 200), Wollongong, Australia
International Symposium on Kiwifruit, Padova, Italy , 14-17 October,
International Symposium on Loess
International Symposium on Loess Tour Guide
International Symposium on Manganese in Soils and Plants
International Symposium on Manufacturing Technology (ISMT97), World Manufacturing Congress (WMC’97), Auckland, Dec. 1997
International Symposium on Manufacturing Technology (ISMT97), World Manufacturing Congress (WMC’97), Auckland, December 1997
International Symposium on Nanotechnology and Materials for the Environment (NTME 2003), March 26 – 27, 2003 : Pacifico Yokohama Annex Hall, Yokohama, Japan : abstracts
International Symposium on Novel Synthesis and Processing of Ceramics, Krume, Japan
International Symposium on Ontogeny and Systematics of Fishes Moser, H. G. (editor in chief)
International Symposium on Quaternary Coastal Evolution : models, processes and Local to Global Factors : Oostduinkerke, Belgium,
International Symposium on Recent Crustal Movements and
International Symposium on Recent Crustal Movements of the
International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment 2003, 10-14 November, Sheraton Waikiki Beach Resort, Honolulu, Hawa’i, USA
International Symposium on Remote Sensing of the Environment
International Symposium on Siolon (accepted)
International Symposium on the Oceanography of the South
International Symposium on the Oceanography of the South Pacific
International symposium on the oceanography of the South Pacific
International Symposium on Urban Stormwater Management, Sydney, 4-7 February : preprints of papers
International Symposium on Urban Stormwater Management, Sydney, 4-7 February, : preprints of papers
International Symposium on Vegetation Monitoring, 29-31 August, 1995, Tokyo, Japan” :” proceedings
International symposium on volcanology
International Symposium on Volcanology Tour Notes
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, XXI General Assembly, Boulder, Colorado, July 2-14 : abstracts week B : geophysics
International Volcanological Congress, 7th, Handbook
International Volcanological Congress, 7th, Tour Notes
International Volcanological Congress, Auckland-Hamilton-Rotorua, New Zealand : 1-9 February 1986 : handbook, general information, programme, intra-congress tour guides & list of participants
International Volcanological Congress, New Zealand
International Volcanological Congress, New Zealand, 1-9
International Volcanological Congress, New Zealand, 1-9 February 1986 : abstracts
International water power & dam construction
International water power & dam construction
International water power and dam construction
International Wildlife
International wildlife
International WOCE newsletter
International workshop / Environmental management in North-East of Sri Lanka
International Workshop on High Performance Concrete, Bangkok, Thailand, November,
International Workshop on Materials Produced by Analysed with Ion Beams, Wellington, 2001; Modern Physics Letters B
International Workshop on Remote sensing and its Application to Natural Resource Management : workshop proceedings
International Year of the Mountains 2002 Celebration Conference : Dunedin, MArch 8-10 : programme and abstracts
International year of the mountains : 2002 celebration conference : sponsored by Hellaby Indigenous Grasslands Research Trust, University of Otago and Federated Mountain Clubs of New Zealand, Dunedin March 8-10 : abstracts
International Zeolite Conference III , 1998
International Zeolite Conference III, 1998
International zoo yearbook
Internationale revue de gesamten hydrobiologie und
Internationale Revue der Gesamten Hydrobiologie
Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie
Internationale revue der gesamten hydrobiologie
Internationale revue der gesamten hydrobiologie u hydrographie
Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie
Internationale Revue der gestamten Hydrobiologie
Internationales Symposion : Interpraevent 2000 : Villach, ™sterreich : Tagungspublikation, Band 1
Internoise 2001, August 27-30, The Hague, Netherlands
Internoise 2001, the Hague, Netherlands
Internoise 94 : proceedings of the International Conference on Noise Control Engineering, Yokohama, Japan, August 29-31
INTERRAD 2000 : ninth meeting of the International Association of Radiolarian Paleontologists, Reno-Blairsden, September 17-22, 2000
INTERRAD VII, Osaka : Seventh meeting of the International Association of Radiolarian Paleontologists, 20-24 October : abstracts
InterRidge news
InterRidge Theoretical Institute : thermal regime of ocean ridges and dynamics of hydrothermal circulation : abstracts volume : 9-13 September 2002, Pavia/Sestri Levante, Italy
Intra-oceanic subduction systems : tectonic and magmatic processes
Intra-oceanic subduction systems : tectonic and magmatic processes : special publication s, 219 / Larter, R.D.; Leat, P.T. (eds)
Intraplate volcanism in Eastern Australia and New Zealand
Introducing Manawatu
Introduction to geothermal prospecting
Inventories of selected radionuclides in the oceans
Invertebrate biology
Invertebrate biology
Invertebrate reproduction & development
Invertebrate reproduction and development
Invertebrate reproduction and development
Invertebrate systematics , 17
Invertebrate taxonomy
Invertebrate taxonomy
Invertebrate taxonomy , 13
Invertebrate taxonomy , 14
Invertebrates and Environmental Change : 34th Australian Entomological Society / 6th Invertebrate Biodiversity & Conservation combined Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, 28 September – 3 October 2003, The Corus Hotel, Hobart, Tasmania : program and abstracts
Investigation of the audio-frequency magnetotelluric method of
Investigative ophthalmology and visual science
Invited Workshop on Strong-Motion Instrumentation of Buildings, held at Marriott Courtyard Hotel, Emeryville, California, 14 and 15 November 2001
IOBC WPRS bulletin
IOBC WPRS bulletin, 23(12):231-237
IOBC WPRS bulletin, 24(5):39-44
IOBC WPRS bulletin, 24(5):51-56
IOBC WPRS bulletin, 25(10):13-16
Ionizing radiation
Ionospheric modification and its potential to enhance or degrade the performance of military systems =La modification de l’ionosphere
Ionospheric sporadic E
Ionospheric station information bulletin
IPENZ Annual Conference
IPENZ Conference ’84
IPENZ conference ’84
IPENZ Conference 98 : the sustainable city, 12 to 16 February, 1998, Auckland : proceedings. Volume 2, Electrotechnical, simulation and control, energy management, telecommunications
IPENZ Conference, February 10-14, 1986
IPENZ Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 1997
IPENZ techncial conference, Auckland, 1999
IPENZ transactions
IPENZ transactions : civil engineering section , 24
IPENZ transactions CE. 24(1)
IPENZ transactions E/M/Ch
IPENZ transactions EMCh
IPM news
IPM practitioner
IRE transactions on antennas and propagation
IRE transactions on medical electronics
IRHACE journal
Irish journal of agricultural research
Ironmaking & Steelmaking
Ironmaking & steelmaking
Ironmaking and steelmaking
Irradiation (ICGFI) and the International Organization of Consumers’ Unions
Irrigation and drainage engineering
Irrigation science
IRTENZ Sixth International Heavy Vehicle Seminar
Is your money peeling off? Surface protection of new and
ISES Congress 2001 Adelaide, Australia
ISES Congress 2001, Adelaide
ISIJ international
Island arcs, deep sea trenches and back-arc basins
Island, 28 October-1 November
Islands : economy, society and environment, January 28-31, 1997 : second joint conference, Institute of Australian Geographers and New Zealand Geographical Society : conference proceedings
ISMAR 89, 10th Meeting
Isotope aided studies of atmospheric carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases : phase 2 : Vienna, Austria : International Atomic
Isotope and geochemical techniques applied to geothermal investigations : proceedings of the final research co-ordination meeting on the application of isotope and geochemical techniques to geothermal exploration in the Middle East, Asia, the Pacific and Africa held in Dumaguete City, Philippines, 12-15 October 1993
Isotope geoscience
Isotope production and applications in the 21st century : proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Isotopes, Vancouver, Canada, 6-10 September 1999
Isotope studies of hydrologic processes
Isotope studies of hydrologic processes ; Selected papers from
Isotope techniques in groundwater hydrology
Isotope techniques in water resources development
Isotopes in environmental and health studies
Isotopes in hydrology
ISPP chemical control newsletter
Israel journal of entomology , 29
Israel journal of entomology, 29:297-300
Israel journal of medical science
Israel journal of zoology
ISSP chemical control newsletter
Issues in aquifer protection : proceedings of a national workshop held at Canterbury Agriculture and Science Centre, Lincoln, New Zealand, 25-26 March 1998
Issues in water allocation : a specialist workshop
Italian Antarctic Expedition, 1996-97 : earth sciences
Italian Journal of Zoology
ITC journal
ITC journal , 2
ITC journal , 4
ITC journal. 1995(3)
ITC journal. 1996(2)
ITC journal. 1997(1)
ITEA journal of test and evaluation
ITMG Conference : Conference papers, Solway Park Hotel, Masterton, 9-12 October
IUCN Bulletin
IUCN bulletin
IUCN-SSC/IAP Specialist Group P
IUGG 2003, Sapporo, Japan, June 30-July 11, 2003 : abstracts
IUGG 99 Birmingham Abstracts, week A, Monday 19 July to Saturday 24 July
IUGG 99 Birmingham Abstracts, week A, Monday 19 July to Saturday 24 July
IUGG 99 Birmingham, Abstracts, week B, Monday 26 July to Friday 30 July
IUGG 99 Birmingham, Abstracts, week B, Monday 26 July to Friday 30 July
IUGG XXI General Assembly, Boulder Colorado, July 2-4th, 1995
IVCNZ 96 Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
IVCNZ’00 Image and Vision Computing New Zealand, Hamilton
IVCNZ’00 Image and Vision Computing New Zealand Conference, Hamilton
IVCNZ’00 Image and Vision Computing New Zealand Conference, Hamilton
IVCNZ’99 Image and Vision Computing New Zealand Conference, Christchurch
IVCNZ’99 International Conference
IVCNZ’99 Second Image and Vision Computing New Zealand Conference, Christchurch
IVCNZ96 Conference
IX Annual Victoria-Massey Chemistry Graduate Student Seminar Series, Wellington
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